Ladies, has it been two seconds since the last time you and a female friend tried, once again, to comprehend men? Imagine how much better that conversation would have gone with your friend if you both had insider information on:
• What drives men to want quantities of women, not simply qualities in a woman?
• How men physically “see” women. How we see YOU!
• Why you may attract the men that you do.
• How can you be sure a man really likes you?
• Is it ever too early or too late to “give it up”?
• What motivates men to be faithful or cheating?
Guys, you know those conversations we have when women aren’t listening. Do you think they’ll believe us if I tell them? The examples and stories are so raw, so real you’ll be falling out of your bar-stool or barber-shop chair with laughter. Along the way, we’ll all come to a greater understanding of the opposite sex.

Here's an OUTLINE of topics we'll cover.
I. Chapter One: The Hallway lesson.
A. Our Male Mindset was there as mid-teens: Filling up a sweater in September.
B. The Genders have everything else in common. Why not views on sex as well?
II. Chapter Two: Special and Unique.
A. Ka-billions of sperm versus one egg: Your Math Class at Work!
B. Women have a more difficult task. Rival Assassin Stories.
C. Female response plus Ice Cream.
D. The system: Check & balances. Hip Hop & Country-Western.
E. Is this whole discussion valid? Am I some expert?
III. Chapter Three: Curtain rise on the WORLD FAMOUS 1-10 list.
A. All guys “see” the same things. "Catch" versus "Attractive".
B. Using numbers, men can PRECISELY rank women on physical appearance.
C. Post Analysis of 1-10: Where do I rank?
D. Blind date 1&2: Church Linebacker and Circus Music.
IV. Chapter Four: Language Gap & Ironies. But see, I asked for a blow job!
A. We really do want what we're asking for: A true story.
B. Strippers/Nudity (No we never get tired, don't use your female lens).
C. The Double Standard of Slut versus Stud.
D. My Best Friend Penis (Always wants new friends. Just like you want new shoes.)
E. Married guys think single guys “have it made”.
V. Chapter Five: Are you sure he likes me for me?
A. Check the source of your advice. Don't ask Cosmopolitan.
B. The Speed of Sound: He knows if he likes you quickly and here’s why.
C. Is he seeing you as simply New Pussy? Can you do anything about it?
D. Date Talk: Feeling you out without feeling you up.
E. Set the contract terms up front and please don't change it later.
F. “What will you think of me if I give it up too early?”
G. 100% foolproof, money-back guarantee, to know if he likes you for you.
H. Men seek and know love: The Lake.
VI Chapter Six: Cheating as simple as 1-2-3
A. Do men need women to stay in the dark on how we think?
B. Fully Functional Rotation: 1-The Girlfriend, 2-The Side Piece, 3-The Booty Call
C. Direct Function: Low Ranking = Low Maintenance.
D. Why men cheat vs why women cheat. The Suburbs, The Projects, The Penthouse.
E. Nuptial Mind Eraser: Yes, we men are that stupid.
F. Pop Quiz Time!
VII: Chapter 7: Most Men Stay Home/Faithful: Here’s why.
A. Castration: Bet ya won’t talk now!
B. Isolation: Bear snuggling.
C. Religion: Shellfish and 36proof wine.
D. Education: Get your dissertation ready.
E. Reclamation: I can’t reach the shelf!
F. Exhaustion: I can’t move.
VIII. Chapter 8: Round Table Discussions about: The 10-hit rule. Tiger Woods vs Derek Jeter. Girls Night Out. Groom Magazines. Online Dating. One-Night Stands. And more.
IX: CHAPTER 9: Conclusions, Lessons, Discussions, Celebrations.